The mystery surrounding Rh-negative blood type has been baffling scientists for years. Possessing a Rhesus negative blood means missing an essential evolutionary gene that most of the population already has, and no one knows why it exists or its origin. Many theories have arisen regarding its origin, ranging from aliens to angel-human hybrids, ancient civilizations, and beyond.
Rh-Negative an Alien Blood?
One of the most common theories is that aliens put people with this rare blood type here. This theory is derived from those who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials who all share the same Rhesus-negative blood type. However, there is no scientific proof of this being true.
Rh-Negative Blood Related to Angel Offsprings
Another interesting theory regarding the origin of Rh-negative blood type is derived from biblical lore. It is believed that the Nephilim, a hybrid species between humans and angels, created offspring before the Great Flood wiped them out. While this theory is certainly intriguing, there is no scientific proof to back it up.
Rh-Negative Blood Related to Lost Civilizations
Yet another popular theory suggests that Rh-negative blood originated from an ancient civilization known as Atlantis. Evidence suggests that a population in the Pyrenees mountains called the Basque, who speak a language not related to any other language in their region, have the highest concentration of Rh-negative blood types worldwide. However, without more conclusive research, this mystery cannot be answered.
Rh-Negative Blood Part of Human Evolution
According to the scientific research perspective, the Rh-negative blood type is actually an evolutionary adaptation to help us survive in extreme climates. Those with this rare blood type would have been more resistant to certain diseases and, therefore, be able to thrive better than those without it. Other scientists claim that it is just a genetic mutation alternative trait similar to how a majority of the population have brown eyes and brown hair, while a minority of individuals have blue eyes and blonde hair.
Why Is Rh-Negative Blood So Special?
While many theories exist about the origin of Rh-negative blood, we know that if you possess this rare blood type, your body has a unique set of challenges when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. Hence, it can be explained why many babies were never carried to terms in history before modern medical treatments became available.
If you are Rh negative and your baby is Rh positive, there can be serious complications during pregnancy. To prevent any issues, your healthcare provider may recommend injecting a blood product called Rh immunoglobulin. This special trait will prevent your body from producing antibodies against your baby’s red blood cells and can help ensure a healthy pregnancy.
In addition, women who possess Rh-negative blood may experience excessive bleeding or injury and trauma during pregnancy and require external manual rotation of their baby if they are in a breech position before labor and delivery.
O Rh-Negative Blood as the Ultimate Rare Blood
Among all Rh-negative blood types, the O type is the rarest, and only approximately 7 percent of the population possesses it. While Rh-positive blood types are more common, those with the rare O-negative blood type have unique characteristics that make them special. According to the latest research studies, these individuals are least likely to be infected by severe illnesses and viral infections, and tend to live longer than those with other blood types.
O-negative blood is also the universal donor type, meaning everyone can receive a transfusion regardless of their blood type. This makes O-negative blood an invaluable resource in emergencies and medical treatments when time is of the essence.
Bottom Line
Of course, no matter which theory you believe may hold some truth, scientists are still attempting to unlock the secrets of this rare phenomenon. With more research being done every day on its origins and effects, hopefully, we will discover the truth behind Rh-negative blood. Until then, the mystery of this phenomenon remains unsolved.